“How to Treat Magical Beasts: Mine and Master’s Medical Journal” – Manga does its best to keep the magic alive Faith Orcino October 28, 2019 Articles, Manga, Reviews Seven Seas Entertainment added “How to Treat Magical Beasts: Mine and Master’s Medical Journal” to its collection of fantasy titles, bringing mangaka Kaziya’s unique story of conservation to...
“Satan’s Secretary” – The pen of strategy is mightier than the demon’s sword Faith Orcino October 27, 2019 Articles, Manga, Reviews Hell had no fury until ordered his servant to capture a woman with certain qualities in Kamotsu Kamonabe’s manga “Satan’s Secretary”. The world knew about the ultimate fight between good and...
“Graineliers” – A small kernel of power will lead to something magical Faith Orcino October 26, 2019 Articles, Manga, Reviews Yen Press added artist Rihito Takarai's 2014 series "Graineliers" to its collection of unique fantasy books. Seeds were always a source of potential resource but in Takarai's manga, they also hold...
“Crisis Girls” – Good heroes can come out of bad blood Faith Orcino October 25, 2019 Articles, Manga, Reviews Hiroaki Yoshikawa’s 2016 two-volume story “Crisis Girls” was an adorable one filled with mischief and mayhem of a fledgling protector. Crisis City appear to be a normal place if it weren’t for...
“Concrete Revolutio ~Chojin Genso~” – Superhuman trouble needs heroic help Faith Orcino October 24, 2019 Articles, Manga, Reviews Artist Nylon joined Studio BONES with writer Sho Aikawa to adapt the 2015 anime ““Concrete Revolutio ~Chojin Genso~” into a manga. Seven Seas Entertainment combined the two-volume series into one...
Anime Expo hosts cosplay contest at LA Tanabata Festival 2019 Faith Orcino August 17, 2019 Articles, Cosplay, Events, Photos All photos in this article were taken by Faith Orcino (@pitangawang on Twitter and Instagram) Many cosplayers braved the August heat to enter into the Los Angeles Tanabata Festival cosplay...
Animanga 2019 Photo Roundup – Day Three Faith Orcino August 10, 2019 Articles, Conventions, Cosplay, Gaming, Photos Though Animanga 2019 was finishing up with Day Three of the event, there was much to check out. The following photos were taken by Faith Orcino (@pitangawang). As attendees waited for the doors to...
Animanga 2019 Photo Roundup – Day Two Cosplays Faith Orcino August 10, 2019 Articles, Conventions, Cosplay, Events, Photos Saturdays are usually big days filled with excitement and entertainment. A lot of attendees from Animanga Day Two definitely did not shy away from bringing out their own cosplays. A very big thank you to...
Comic Con Revolution Ontario Cosplay Round Up Faith Orcino July 14, 2019 Articles, Conventions, Cosplay, Events, Photos The May showers didn't scare attendees of Comic Con Revolution Ontario from bringing out their cosplay and enjoying the weekend event. Outfits ranged from recent anime series to classic movies to original...
PRIDE Month Feature – “10 Dance” finds the rhythm of the heart Faith Orcino June 17, 2019 Articles, Manga, Reviews Creator Inouesatoh’s BL series “10 Dance” brings readers into the ballroom as they follow a rivalry turned romance when the competitors literally get close. One would have to be specific when talking...