Manga Monday: Go With The Clouds, North By Northwest takes us from the scenic vistas of Iceland to Japan and back to solve a mystery Joseph Noblit August 24, 2020 Articles, Manga, Reviews Aki Irie takes readers for a field trip across the globe and back with their new series slice-of-life mystery Go With The Clouds, North By...
Manga Monday: “Naruto: Chibi Sasuke’s Sharingan Legend” – Spin-off brings the gags while causing some mayhem Faith Orcino August 3, 2020 Articles, Manga, Reviews While Boruto takes over the reins of the main storyline of the “Naruto” series, fans can still look back on their old favorite characters in...
The Two-Part Series Ryuko Brings On The Gangs, Guns, and Girls Joseph Noblit August 2, 2020 Articles, Manga, Reviews A yakuza heiress is looking for answers as she runs from past consequences in this fast and furious action crime thriller Ryuko by Eldo...
Manga Monday: “Witch Hat Atelier” brews a magical adventure Faith Orcino July 27, 2020 Articles, Manga, Reviews Kodansha Comics brought the English translation of Witch Hat Atelier from artist Kamome Shirahama back in April 2019 for western readers to enjoy. It...
Manga Monday – “I’m a Behemoth, an S-Ranked Monster, but Mistaken for a Cat, I Live as an Elf Girl’s Pet” brings more adventures beyond death Faith Orcino July 20, 2020 Articles, Manga, Reviews Artist Taro Shinonome adapted Nozomi Ginyoku’s light novel series I’m a Behemoth, an S-Ranked Monster, Mistaken for a Cat, I Live as an Elf...
Manga Monday: Dragon Ball: That Time I Got Reincarnated As Yamcha cuts Dragon Ball’s lovable loser some much needed slack Joseph Noblit July 13, 2020 Articles, Manga, Reviews Artist dragongarow LEE shines the spotlight onto one of one of the most overlooked characters from Akira Toriyama’s Dragon Ball series in Dragon...
Aniplex Online Fest 2020 Event Review Faith Orcino July 7, 2020 Anime and Film, Articles, Events, Reviews All images courtesy of Aniplex of America. The first weekend of July usually hosts the biggest gathering of anime fans in North America at the Los...
Manga Monday: Plus-Sized Elf brings the love of food and healthy habits to magical creatures Joseph Noblit July 6, 2020 Articles, Manga, Reviews Artist Synecdoche brings us a story about a love affair like no other: between potato-based junk food and an elf who traveled across dimensions to...
“Our Dining Table” reveals the warmth of a family meal Faith Orcino June 29, 2020 Articles, Manga, Reviews Manga readers looking for something short and sweet can check out Seven Seas Entertainment’s translation of Mita Ori’s 2016 one-shot “Our...
“Go For It, Nakamura!” – Falling in love might have a rough landing Faith Orcino June 22, 2020 Articles, Manga, Reviews Publisher Seven Seas released artist Syundei’s 2017 Boys’ Love one-shot “Go For It, Nakamura!” summer 2018, being their first official BL...