“Land of the Lustrous” – Manga brings a pursuit for a reason to fight Faith Orcino October 5, 2017 Articles, Manga, Reviews The world in Haruko Ichikawa’s 2012 manga “Land of the Lustrous” is void of human life, but its successors defend their existence. Readers follow Phosphophyllite (Phos) a Lustrous or humanoid crystal...
“Descending Stories” – Learning the classic arts will take blood, sweat and some old souls Faith Orcino August 3, 2017 Articles, Manga, Reviews English readers enter the special stage of rakugo, a type of theatrical storytelling with Kodansha Comics’ translated versions of “Descending Stories: Showa Genroku Rakugo Shinju” by Haruko...
“Clockwork Planet” – Adventure and destruction is for those caught in the gears of fate Faith Orcino May 10, 2017 Articles, Manga, Reviews Day 6: Clockwork Planet by Yuu Kamiya and Kuro Kodansha Comics recently released “No Game No Life” creator Yuu Kamiya writer and Tsubaki Himana’s 2014 series “Clockwork Planet” with artist...
“Toppu GP” – It takes heart and soul to reach the finish line Faith Orcino May 8, 2017 Articles, Manga, Reviews Day 4: Toppu GP by Kosuke Fujishima Artist Kosuke Fujishima best known for his hit series “Oh My Goddess!” steps into the sports genre with his latest series “Toppu GP.” He introduces...
Free Comic Book Day doesn’t forget about manga readers Faith Orcino May 5, 2017 Articles, Events Every comic book fan always remember the first Saturday of May. Since 2002, the industry with strategic help from Diamond Comics Distributors, Inc. host a special celebration to its readers known as Free Comic...
“In/Spectre” – Even wise gods need some help Faith Orcino April 11, 2017 Articles, News and Announcements, Reviews Writer Kyo Shirodaira pair with artist Chashiba Katase to bring out the creatures of Japanese folklore with their series about supernatural crime fighting “In/Spectre.” Kotoko Iwanaga looks like the...
“Fire Force” – Extinguishing evil is a full-time job Faith Orcino April 3, 2017 Articles, Manga, Reviews Creator of hit series “Soul Eater” Atsushi Ohkubo’s latest manga “Fire Force” finally reaches English-reading fans thanks to Kodansha Comics. His new tale focuses on Shinra Kusakabe, a teen with a...
“Neo-Parasyte F” – Anthology feeds hunger with parasitic nostalgia Faith Orcino February 9, 2017 Articles, News and Announcements, Reviews Various artists pay tribute to Hitoshi Iwaaki’s hit series “Parasyte” in anthology manga “Neo-Parasyte F.” Fans followed high school student Shinichi Izumi as he learned how to cooperate with the...
“Cells at Work!” – There’s a battle inside the body Faith Orcino February 8, 2017 Articles, News and Announcements, Reviews Akane Shimizu’s series “Cells at Work!” take a close look at the inner works of the human body. Readers follow a cheerful and energetic red blood cell as she delivers oxygen to others. However, her job...
Some monsters just want to have fun Faith Orcino November 29, 2016 Articles, Manga, Reviews Another Halloween season is over, but some of the monsters are still here to play. Publishers Kodansha Comics and Seven Seas Entertainment have a number of new titles filled with mystical creatures trying to...