Manga Monday: “Naruto: Chibi Sasuke’s Sharingan Legend” – Spin-off brings the gags while causing some mayhem Faith Orcino August 3, 2020 Articles, Manga, Reviews While Boruto takes over the reins of the main storyline of the “Naruto” series, fans can still look back on their old favorite characters in...
The Two-Part Series Ryuko Brings On The Gangs, Guns, and Girls Joseph Noblit August 2, 2020 Articles, Manga, Reviews A yakuza heiress is looking for answers as she runs from past consequences in this fast and furious action crime thriller Ryuko by Eldo...
Fictional Food Friday with Faith: Croquettes Faith Orcino July 31, 2020 Articles, Manga, Photos All photos and illustrations created by Faith Orcino. Welcome to the third installment of Fictional Food with Faith! This week's recipe...
Yen Press Debuts “That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime: The Ways of the Monster Nation” Faith Orcino July 28, 2020 Articles, Manga, News and Announcements Publisher Yen Press recently released "That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime: The Ways of the Monster Nation" Volume One both in digital and...
Manga Monday: “Witch Hat Atelier” brews a magical adventure Faith Orcino July 27, 2020 Articles, Manga, Reviews Kodansha Comics brought the English translation of Witch Hat Atelier from artist Kamome Shirahama back in April 2019 for western readers to enjoy. It...
Fictional Food Friday with Faith: Yogurt Mousse Faith Orcino July 24, 2020 Articles, Manga, Photos All photos and illustrations created by Faith Orcino. Welcome to the second installment of Fictional Food with Faith! A dear friend of mine...
Throwback Thursday: CRX 2019 – Junji Ito Press Conference Faith Orcino July 23, 2020 Articles, Conventions, Events, Interviews, Manga During the first day of Crunchyroll Expo 2019, acclaimed manga artist Junji Ito sat down with many members of the press to answer questions...
Manga Monday – “I’m a Behemoth, an S-Ranked Monster, but Mistaken for a Cat, I Live as an Elf Girl’s Pet” brings more adventures beyond death Faith Orcino July 20, 2020 Articles, Manga, Reviews Artist Taro Shinonome adapted Nozomi Ginyoku’s light novel series I’m a Behemoth, an S-Ranked Monster, Mistaken for a Cat, I Live as an Elf...
Fictional Food Friday with Faith: Crisp Scones Faith Orcino July 17, 2020 Articles, Manga, Photos All photos and illustrations created by Faith Orcino. With the current situation with the COVID-19 pandemic, plenty of people have been...
Manga Monday: Dragon Ball: That Time I Got Reincarnated As Yamcha cuts Dragon Ball’s lovable loser some much needed slack Joseph Noblit July 13, 2020 Articles, Manga, Reviews Artist dragongarow LEE shines the spotlight onto one of one of the most overlooked characters from Akira Toriyama’s Dragon Ball series in Dragon...