Manga Monday: A Creepy Conversation with Horror Mangaka Junji Ito Joseph Noblit August 10, 2020 Articles, Conventions, Interviews, Manga, News and Announcements World-renowned horror mangaka Junji Ito took the time to give an interview during San Diego Comic-Con@Home. Hosted by Urian Brown and featuring...
V-CRX Announces “The God of High School” Guests, MAPPA Gallery, and More! Faith Orcino August 6, 2020 Anime and Film, Articles, Conventions, Events, News and Announcements All images courtesy of Crunchyroll. Virtual Crunchyroll Expo brings a new wave of announcements including special guests and panels about...
Brace your mind, body, and spirit – Uzumaki is Spiraling Toward You Joseph Noblit August 1, 2020 Anime and Film, Articles, Conventions, Interviews, News and Announcements Production I.G. brings forth one of the most famous stories from legendary horror mangaka Junji Ito to life. Take a peek into the black-and-white...
Crunchyroll brings on a swashbuckling adventure with Fena: Pirate Princess Joseph Noblit August 1, 2020 Anime and Film, Articles, Conventions, Interviews, News and Announcements At San Diego Comic-Con@Home 2020, Toonami announced a new series joint production series between Adult Swim and Crunchyroll that will be airing on...
Comic-Con@Home Recap: Crunchyroll Industry Panel Recap Faith Orcino July 28, 2020 Articles, Conventions, Events, News and Announcements Featured image courtesy of Crunchyroll. San Diego International Comic-Con went digital this year in the form of Comic-Con@Home. Instead of heading...
Throwback Thursday: CRX 2019 – Junji Ito Press Conference Faith Orcino July 23, 2020 Articles, Conventions, Events, Interviews, Manga During the first day of Crunchyroll Expo 2019, acclaimed manga artist Junji Ito sat down with many members of the press to answer questions...
FunimationCon plans to bring panels to fans Faith Orcino July 2, 2020 Anime and Film, Articles, Conventions, Events, News and Announcements All Images courtesy of Funimation. As physical conventions have been cancelled for the time being due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Funimation like...
Throwback: Anime California 2019 – Mela Lee Interview Faith Orcino June 4, 2020 Anime and Film, Articles, Conventions, Events, Interviews I got the chance thanks to organizers to interview voice actress Mela Lee during Anime California 2019. Q: I attended your panel earlier...
THE SOCIETY FOR THE PROMOTION OF JAPANESE ANIMATION ANNOUNCES FIRST EVER ANIME EXPO LITE – A VIRTUAL JAPANESE POP CULTURE EVENT Faith Orcino May 29, 2020 Articles, Conventions, Events, News and Announcements FREE Livestream Event to take place July 3 & 4 Santa Ana, Calif. (May 27, 2020) – The Society for the Promotion of Japanese Animation (SPJA)...
Throwback: Anime California 2019 – Michael Sorich Interview Faith Orcino May 28, 2020 Anime and Film, Articles, Conventions, Events, Interviews Before Anime California 2019 ended, I sat down with voice actor Michael Sorich thanks to con organizers. We spoke about his latest show...