“Transparent Light Blue” shows that not all secrets can stay in the dark Faith Orcino June 8, 2020 Articles, Manga, Reviews Artist Kiyoko Iwami 2018's one-shot “Transparent Light Blue” brings a tale of childhood friends that face difficult decisions when their feelings...
“That Blue Sky Feeling” shows that it takes a lot to become a friend ?️? Faith Orcino June 1, 2020 Articles, Manga, Reviews 1 Comment Thanks to VIZ Media, readers are able to check out “That Blue Sky Feeling” (Japanese Title: “Sorairo Flutter”), originally Okura’s 2009...
You Can’t Go Home Again With Ozaki’s Coming-Of-Age Manga The Golden Sheep Joseph Noblit May 15, 2020 Articles, Manga, Reviews With the release of The Golden Sheep, mangaka Kaori Ozaki tells the story of the passage of time, broken friendships, an uncertain future, personal...
Satoshi Kon’s Landmark Anime Paranoia Agent Returns To Toonami After 15 Years Joseph Noblit April 25, 2020 Anime and Film, Articles, News and Announcements, Reviews After 15 years away, Satoshi Kon’s only anime series returns to American television on Toonami. Join the police and the victims on a mind-bending...
Sakoto and Nada finds humor and heart between two students from different parts of the world Joseph Noblit April 25, 2020 Articles, Manga, Reviews Artist Yupechika along with some assistance with their script advisor Marie Nishimori create Sakoto and Nada, a slice-of-life 4koma manga about two...
Beastars – High school with predators and prey can be murder Joseph Noblit April 9, 2020 Articles, Manga, Reviews 1 Comment Writer and artist Panu Itagaki crafts murder and mystery into a school divided by herbivores and carnivores with her first serialization,...
10 Anime To Know Me – Faith’s Edition Faith Orcino April 1, 2020 Anime and Film, Articles, Reviews “Digimon” While I saw several series during my childhood like Pokemon, Sailor Moon and Cardcaptor Sakura, Digimon was the one that...
YouTube has some hidden movie gems from South Korea Faith Orcino March 26, 2020 Anime and Film, Articles, Reviews Earlier this month, ComicBook.com reported on the list of anime movies available for free movies (with ads) on YouTube. They found classics like...
“My Hero Academia: Heroes Rising” brought out the best during the worst of times Faith Orcino February 25, 2020 Anime and Film, Articles, Reviews Images courtesy of Funimation. The class of U.A. High returns to the silver screen in the new film “My Hero Academia: Heroes Rising”....
Japan Cuts Hollywood 2019 – “Bento Harassment” shows it takes chops to get sweet revenge Faith Orcino February 1, 2020 Anime and Film, Articles, Events, Reviews Featured Image courtesy of Japan Cuts Hollywood. The inaugural year of Japan Cuts Hollywood, presented by the Japan America Society of...