“My Hero Academia: Two Heroes” shows the strength of the future Faith Orcino September 15, 2018 Anime and Film, Articles, Events, Reviews Funimation held a special world premiere of the dubbed version of “My Hero Academia: Two Heroes” just a bit a week before its upcoming North American screening event. Both fans, members of the press and...
“The Third Murder” – The true values of good and bad might be on uneven scales Faith Orcino May 18, 2018 Anime and Film, Articles, Reviews Critically acclaimed director Hirokazu Kore-eda's 2017 film "The Third Murder" brought viewers at the 2018 SDAFF Spring Showcase questions about truth and justice within its thrilling mystery. Lawyer...
“Kusama – Infinity” – Documentary shows the struggle to break the limits in order to reach Infinity Faith Orcino May 18, 2018 Anime and Film, Articles, Interviews, Reviews Yayoi Kusama ©Tokyo Lee Productions Inc. Organizers of the SDAFF's eighth annual Spring Showcase closed its weeklong event with a special screening of Director Heather Lenz's 2018 film "Kusama -...
“Lu Over The Wall” – Film shows love will bring out the song of the heart Faith Orcino May 15, 2018 Anime and Film, Articles, Reviews Distributor GKIDS brings the latest movie of Director Masaaki Yuasa and his studio Science Saru “Lu Over The Wall” to North American audiences for a limited time in May. In the coastal town of...
Studio Bones goes back in time with “Eureka Seven Hi-Evolution Part One” Faith Orcino February 6, 2018 Anime and Film, Articles, Reviews The 2005 hit anime series “Eureka Seven" returns in the form of a trilogy of films that takes place throughout the original canon. “Eureka Seven Hi-Evolution Part One” will be out in selected U.S....
Fans return to the magic with “Mary and the Witch’s Flower” Faith Orcino January 22, 2018 Anime and Film, Articles, Reviews North American fans flocked to theaters on January 18th to watch Studio Ponoc’s debut film “Mary and the Witch’s Flower” on its premiere night. Based off of the 1971 children’s book “The...
SDAFF 2017: “Close-Knit” – Life weaves people into each other’s’ lives many ways Faith Orcino December 20, 2017 Anime and Film, Articles, Events, Reviews Viewers followed 11-year old Tomo (Rin Kakihara, “Erased”) who was a girl that had to grow up faster than her body could. Her mother Hiromi (Mimura, “One Missed Call 2”) abandoned her from time to...
“King of Prism by PrettyRhythm” – Male idols stir up the hearts of their western fans Faith Orcino September 29, 2017 Anime and Film, Articles, Events Fans of Pretty Rhythm flocked to the L.A. Anime Film Festival to watch the North American debut of the 2016 spin-off movie "King of Prism by PrettyRhythm" While many know the franchise for their female idols,...
“No Game No Life Zero” – Film shows the smallest variables have the biggest impact Faith Orcino September 29, 2017 Anime and Film, Articles, Events The inaugural year of the Los Angeles Anime Film Festival (LA-AFF) started with a bang of an opener, hosting the world premiere of the English dubbed "No Game No Life Zero." "Zero" threw its audience into a...
“Fairy Tail: Dragon Cry” – Latest film brings its audience on a wild and crazy adventure Faith Orcino August 16, 2017 Anime and Film, Articles, Reviews Selected fans and members of the press got a chance to see the English dubbed “Fairy Tail: Dragon Cry” the second film from the popular anime series. Funimation threw a special red-carpet premiere at...