Overlord gives new life to a virtual realm Faith Orcino July 31, 2016 Articles, Reviews Yen Press released the manga adaptation of Kugane Maruyama’s 2012 web novel “Overlord.” Maruyama’s story starts at the last hours of the online role-playing video game “Yggdrasil.” Player Momonga...
Akiko Higashimura tells a unique tale of femininity, fashion and beauty Faith Orcino July 28, 2016 Articles, Reviews Kodansha Comics brings Akiko Higashimura’s 2008 manga series stateside with omnibus volumes. 18 years old, Tsukimi Kurashita is not used to Tokyo’s city life. The overwhelming aura of the Tokyo...
Space Dandy makes a return trip to North America with new manga series Faith Orcino July 26, 2016 Articles, Reviews The hit anime “Space Dandy” reaches a new universe of fans through a manga adaptation by writer Masafumi Harada with artists Sung-Woo Park and REDICE. Yen Press released the first volume of the English...
Nichijou makes life more than ordinary Faith Orcino July 24, 2016 Articles, Reviews Vertical Comics brings Keiichi Arawi’s hit 2006 manga, “Nichijou,” to English-reading fans almost five years after the first episode’s broadcast of the 2011 anime adaptation. The manga’s title...
Monstrous teenage secrets hard to keep hidden Faith Orcino July 5, 2016 Articles, Reviews If someone wants to hide something from anyone, do not let Asashi Kuromine know about it, especially “My Monster Secret.” This second year student never learned how to keep a proper poker face, and...
Assassination Classroom makes education very dangerous Faith Orcino July 2, 2016 Articles, Reviews Shonen Jump Advanced’s series “Assassination Classroom” follows Class 3-E of Kunugigaoka Junior High School, a class of rejected students who the Japanese Ministry of Defense assigned them the nearly...
“A Silent Voice” reaches its finale Faith Orcino June 28, 2016 Articles, Reviews Yoshitoki Oima completed her controversial series “A Silent Voice” late 2014 in Japan, and roughly a year and a half later, Kodansha Comics released the English conclusion in May. With a quick glance, one...
Sakamoto brings eccentricities into mundane school days Faith Orcino June 23, 2016 Articles, Manga, Reviews The high school campus is a typical setting for a slice-of-life manga with a teenage protagonists. Writer and artist Nami Sano shakes things up with the very unique student Sakamoto. Nothing seems impossible...
New hero origin story enraptures all ages Charlotte Arielle June 8, 2016 Articles, Reviews My Hero Academia has been making its rounds throughout the anime and manga community. I first heard of the series after it was announced for the Spring 2016 anime season. I watched the first episode—not too...
Just a Vampire Manga Thing Gracie April 20, 2016 Articles 1 Comment Over here at AnimeUshi, we started to notice something peculiar with both new and old "vampire" themed manga. There appears to be some formula with their front covers and official art: take your two main male...