“Slumbering Beauty” – Hitting the snooze button might lead to godly consequences Faith Orcino March 29, 2018 Articles, Manga, Reviews Creator of "Bunny Drop" Yumi Unita brings her readers to an unique adventure into Japanese mythology with her latest manga "Slumbering Beauty." Yoneko Ibaragi is infamous for dozing off and sleeping most of...
“Beasts of Abigaile” – It’s hard being a sheep trapped in wolf’s clothing Faith Orcino March 18, 2018 Articles, Manga, Reviews Artist Spica Aoki transports readers in her 2015 series "Beasts of Abigaile" to the land of Ruberia as leading lady Nina Tsukishiro as she settles into her new home. Excitement fills her as she explores the...
“Nirvana” and “Mikagura School Suite” – Mangas show leading ladies who can throw down a good fight Faith Orcino March 16, 2018 Articles, Manga, Reviews Publishers Seven Seas Entertainment and One Peace Books bring two of the latest titles from the artist Sayuki, "Nirvana" and "Mikagura School Suite" respectively. Both action-fantasy books have something for...
“Neon Genesis Evangelion: Legend of the Piko Piko Middle School Students” – Defending humanity has never been sillier Faith Orcino March 15, 2018 Articles, Manga, Reviews Writer Yushi Kawata and artist Yukito’s 2014 series “Neon Genesis Evangelion: Legend of the Piko Piko Middle School Students” is comic publisher Dark Horse’s latest addition to their collection of...
“Kakegurui – Compulsive Gambler” – It takes a madwoman to beat the best Faith Orcino February 22, 2018 Articles, Manga, Reviews “Kakegurui - Compulsive Gambler” is writer Homura Kawamoto and artist Toru Naomura’s 2014 series about a strange school where students wager more on manipulating luck than education. Children of some...
‘Banana Fish’ Anime Trailer Releases with 227K Live Viewers Charlotte Arielle February 22, 2018 Anime and Film, Articles, News and Announcements For a week solid, the hype has been too real on Twitter thanks to @bananafis_tv, the official account for the new Banana Fish...
“Devilman G” – The darkest creatures can become the best allies for humanity Faith Orcino February 20, 2018 Articles, Manga, Reviews Artist Rui Takato gives his take on the famous “Devilman” series with his 2012 five-volume manga “Devilman G”. Crime is on the rise in Tokyo and so are the rumors that demons caused them. Little do...
“Wake Up, Sleeping Beauty” – There is more that lies beyond the pretty face Faith Orcino February 14, 2018 Articles, Manga, Reviews Thanks to Kodansha Comics, fans of shoujo manga can enjoy English translations of Megumi Morino’s 2015 series “Wake Up, Sleeping Beauty.” During his second year in high school, Tetsu Misato told his...
“Made in Abyss” – Treasure hunting will brings surprising discoveries Faith Orcino February 2, 2018 Articles, Manga, Reviews Publisher Seven Seas Entertainment brings artist Akihito Tsukushi’s 2012 debut manga “Made in Abyss” to the western readers. His fantasy series transports readers to a strange island will a gigantic...
“A Polar Bear in Love” – Fluffy love will thaw out the winter chill Faith Orcino February 2, 2018 Articles, Manga, Reviews Readers find an unusual relationship in artist Koromo’s 2016 manga “A Polar Bear in Love.” As the title states, a polar bear falls in love to an unlikely creature, a young seal. In nature, the seal is...