Many fantasy hero manga focus on the journey to defeat their villains but artist Uuumi presents a unique story about the life the battle in “Little Devils”.

When the King of All Devils became a menace to humanity, God appointed Byron to be the hero to destroy the King. The super powered human took down the evil being but each of the chopped parts turned into demonic children. In order to prevent another invasion, the hero got the role of babysitter to all of the living versions of the devil king on a floating island. Even though God and some of the angels watched over the unusual family, Bryon must do his best to raise the kids into well-behaved citizens.

“Little Devils” is a very light family comedy that shows slices of Bryon’s days taking care of each of his “children”. Trouble always come with the mischievous kids and gives the former hero more to tackle. It is interesting to see how Uuumi transforms each of the King of ALL Devils’ parts into demons with their own powers and personalities. The very cute art style fits well for the series and lightens the frustration displayed. It appears in the first volume that there is no heavy plot but readers would have to wait for the next installments to see.

Since “Little Devils” is an ongoing series with Comic Ryu, we will have to wait until March 2019 for Volume Two. For those that want some extra material similar to this series, readers can check out “Miss Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid: Kanna’s Daily Life” or (for something with an older cast) “Nurse Hitomi’s Monster Infirmary”. Interested fans can check out Seven Seas Entertainment’s website to learn more about “Little Devils” and the recommended titles.