“Kigurumi Guardians” – Earth’s heroes come in all shapes and costumes Faith Orcino November 1, 2017 Articles, Manga, Reviews Kodansha Comics brings Lily Hoshino's latest shoujo manga "Kigurumi Guardians" in time for readers to pick up during the Halloween Season. Nothing could prepare young Haaka Sasakura when a strange mascot...
After Halloween Special – Leftover Treats from the Season Charlotte Arielle November 1, 2017 Articles, Manga All Halloween week we've been bringing you our favorite anime episodes and films to watch during Halloween. Since we focused so much on the anime side, we have a backlog of great manga reads for you this week...
“Bad∞End∞Night: Insane Party” – Sometimes theater taboo do have truth Faith Orcino October 30, 2017 Articles, Manga, Reviews Seven Seas Entertainment brings the three-part manga adaptation of Vocaloid hit song “Bad∞End∞Night” by its original producers HitoshizukuP and Yama△ with artist Tsubata Nozaki to overseas...
“She and Her Cat” – One-shot story shows that home is truly where love lives Faith Orcino October 24, 2017 Articles, Manga, Reviews Vertical Comics recently brought the manga adaptation of Makoto Shinkai's 1999 short animation "She and Her Cat" drawn by Tsubasa Yamaguchi to the English audience. The manga has a very unique narrator,...
“Junji Ito’s Cat Diary: Yon & Mu” – Having felines in your life might not start out so purr-fect Faith Orcino October 23, 2017 Articles, Manga, Reviews Many horror fans know the books by legendary artist Junji Ito like "Uzumaki" and "Tomie" but Kodansha Comics has his funny autobiographical 2009 manga "Junji Ito's Cat Diary: Yon & Mu" available for...
“Anomal” – It sometimes takes two to stop the monsters Faith Orcino October 20, 2017 Articles, Manga, Reviews Artist Nukuharu's "Anomal" is a collection of small supernatural tales for readers who are looking for manga that's not usually on the top shelf. Each of the six stories contain a leading duo that deals with a...
“Generation WITCH” – Nothing is ordinary in a world filled with witches Faith Orcino October 19, 2017 Articles, Manga, Reviews We earlier reviewed Vertical Comics's "Flying Witch" series and now bring one about Seven Seas Entertainment's own modern magical slice-of-life, "Generation WITCH" by artist Uta Isaki. While the world has...
“Land of the Lustrous” – Manga brings a pursuit for a reason to fight Faith Orcino October 5, 2017 Articles, Manga, Reviews The world in Haruko Ichikawa’s 2012 manga “Land of the Lustrous” is void of human life, but its successors defend their existence. Readers follow Phosphophyllite (Phos) a Lustrous or humanoid crystal...
“Delicious in Dungeon” – Fantasy series takes a bizarre look on good eats Faith Orcino October 4, 2017 Articles, Manga, Reviews Ryoko Kui’s 2015 award-nominated manga “Delicious in Dungeon” presents the classic hero’s quest with a delectable twist. Many groups of warriors headed to the underground castle to complete its...
“Hatsune Miku: Rin-chan Now!” – Life is anything but ordinary with your favorite virtual girl Faith Orcino October 3, 2017 Articles, Manga, Reviews While most vocaloid manga available like “Bad∞End∞Night: Insane Party” feature the posterchild of the program Miku Hatsune, there are other titles that show love to other characters. Artists Hiro...