“Land of the Lustrous” – Manga brings a pursuit for a reason to fight Faith Orcino October 5, 2017 Articles, Manga, Reviews The world in Haruko Ichikawa’s 2012 manga “Land of the Lustrous” is void of human life, but its successors defend their existence. Readers follow Phosphophyllite (Phos) a Lustrous or humanoid crystal...
“Delicious in Dungeon” – Fantasy series takes a bizarre look on good eats Faith Orcino October 4, 2017 Articles, Manga, Reviews Ryoko Kui’s 2015 award-nominated manga “Delicious in Dungeon” presents the classic hero’s quest with a delectable twist. Many groups of warriors headed to the underground castle to complete its...
“Hatsune Miku: Rin-chan Now!” – Life is anything but ordinary with your favorite virtual girl Faith Orcino October 3, 2017 Articles, Manga, Reviews While most vocaloid manga available like “Bad∞End∞Night: Insane Party” feature the posterchild of the program Miku Hatsune, there are other titles that show love to other characters. Artists Hiro...
“King of Prism by PrettyRhythm” – Male idols stir up the hearts of their western fans Faith Orcino September 29, 2017 Anime and Film, Articles, Events Fans of Pretty Rhythm flocked to the L.A. Anime Film Festival to watch the North American debut of the 2016 spin-off movie "King of Prism by PrettyRhythm" While many know the franchise for their female idols,...
“No Game No Life Zero” – Film shows the smallest variables have the biggest impact Faith Orcino September 29, 2017 Anime and Film, Articles, Events The inaugural year of the Los Angeles Anime Film Festival (LA-AFF) started with a bang of an opener, hosting the world premiere of the English dubbed "No Game No Life Zero." "Zero" threw its audience into a...
“Napping Princess: The Story of the Unknown Me” – Dozing off might have its benefits Faith Orcino September 13, 2017 Anime and Film, Articles, Reviews Distributor GKIDS brings director Kenji Kamiyama’s latest film “Napping Princess: The Story of the Unknown Me” (localized as “Ancien and the Magic Tablet) to the United States for a limited time for...
“Lupin the Third: The Castle of Cagliostro” – Famous anime thief heads to theaters to steal hearts of fans Faith Orcino September 11, 2017 Anime and Film, Articles The hit anime classic “Lupin the Third: The Castle of Cagliostro” will be shown on the silver screen as a special two-night event on September 14th and 19th celebrating the 50th year anniversary of...
“Fairy Tail: Dragon Cry” – Latest film brings its audience on a wild and crazy adventure Faith Orcino August 16, 2017 Anime and Film, Articles, Reviews Selected fans and members of the press got a chance to see the English dubbed “Fairy Tail: Dragon Cry” the second film from the popular anime series. Funimation threw a special red-carpet premiere at...
“Town of Evening Calm, Country of Cherry Blossoms” – The disasters of the past cannot stop a blooming future Faith Orcino August 16, 2017 Articles, Manga, Reviews Stories about war especially regarding those on the defeated side might be tough to tell, but artist Fumiyo Kouno used her talent in her 2003 book “Town of Evening Calm, Country of Cherry Blossom” to give...
“Girls’ Last Tour” – Companionship is key for survival Faith Orcino August 5, 2017 Articles, Manga, Reviews Tsukumizu’s debut 2014 series “Girls’ Last Tour” transports readers to a desolate future where there is very little life left on Earth. A young couple Chito and Yuuri roam the industrial graveyard with...