Cannon Busters blurs the line between genres to tell the tale of immortal outlaw Philly The Kid Joseph Noblit May 31, 2021 Anime and Film, Articles, Reviews 1 Comment Netflix releases an adaptation of LeSean Thomas’ original comic Cannon Busters, blurring genres of spaghetti western, mecha, fantasy, and steampunk into one unforgettable road trip. Philly The Kid is the...
No Guns Life takes a shot with reluctant hero against the company that owns the metropolis Joseph Noblit September 28, 2020 Articles, Manga, Reviews Artist Tasuku Karasuma tells a cyberpunk story about a postwar city, decommissioned cybernetic soldiers, a mystery that gets stranger at each turn, and a man with a giant gun for a head with No Guns...
Manga Monday – Not Everyone Is Lucky Enough To Grow Up In I Want To Eat Your Pancreas Joseph Noblit September 21, 2020 Articles, Manga, Reviews Adapting Yoru Sumino’s heartbreaking web novel I Want To Eat Your Pancreas, mangaka Izumi Kirihara brings the first-person story of an aloof boy and his friendship with a terminally ill classmate to...
V-CRX 2020: GKIDS Industry Panel Recap Joseph Noblit September 10, 2020 Anime and Film, Articles, Conventions, Events, News and Announcements Images courtesy of GKIDS At Virtual Crunchyroll Expo, GKIDS hosted a panel covering their upcoming titles. From soon-to-be releases of new films to home releases of new favorites that have taken...
Manga Monday: Go With The Clouds, North By Northwest takes us from the scenic vistas of Iceland to Japan and back to solve a mystery Joseph Noblit August 24, 2020 Articles, Manga, Reviews Aki Irie takes readers for a field trip across the globe and back with their new series slice-of-life mystery Go With The Clouds, North By Northwest. Kei Miyama is a seventeen year-old boy who, after his...
Manga Monday: A Creepy Conversation with Horror Mangaka Junji Ito Joseph Noblit August 10, 2020 Articles, Conventions, Interviews, Manga, News and Announcements World-renowned horror mangaka Junji Ito took the time to give an interview during San Diego Comic-Con@Home. Hosted by Urian Brown and featuring translator Junko Goda, Ito answered a number of questions...
The Two-Part Series Ryuko Brings On The Gangs, Guns, and Girls Joseph Noblit August 2, 2020 Articles, Manga, Reviews A yakuza heiress is looking for answers as she runs from past consequences in this fast and furious action crime thriller Ryuko by Eldo Yoshimizu. Daughter of the leader of the yakuza, Ryuko is a...
Brace your mind, body, and spirit – Uzumaki is Spiraling Toward You Joseph Noblit August 1, 2020 Anime and Film, Articles, Conventions, Interviews, News and Announcements Production I.G. brings forth one of the most famous stories from legendary horror mangaka Junji Ito to life. Take a peek into the black-and-white world of the small town of Kurouzu-cho that’s plagued by...
Crunchyroll brings on a swashbuckling adventure with Fena: Pirate Princess Joseph Noblit August 1, 2020 Anime and Film, Articles, Conventions, Interviews, News and Announcements At San Diego Comic-Con@Home 2020, Toonami announced a new series joint production series between Adult Swim and Crunchyroll that will be airing on the Toonami block, Fena: Pirate Princess. Director Kazuto...
Manga Monday: Dragon Ball: That Time I Got Reincarnated As Yamcha cuts Dragon Ball’s lovable loser some much needed slack Joseph Noblit July 13, 2020 Articles, Manga, Reviews Artist dragongarow LEE shines the spotlight onto one of one of the most overlooked characters from Akira Toriyama’s Dragon Ball series in Dragon Ball: That Time I Got Reincarnated As Yamcha. One of the...