“A Silent Voice” reaches its finale Faith Orcino June 28, 2016 Articles, Reviews Yoshitoki Oima completed her controversial series “A Silent Voice” late 2014 in Japan, and roughly a year and a half later, Kodansha Comics released the English conclusion in May. With a quick glance, one...
Kengo Hanazawa takes readers through zombie-filled Tokyo Faith Orcino June 25, 2016 Articles, Manga, Reviews An unlikely character takes the stage in “I Am a Hero,” Kengo Hanazawa’s horror thriller manga series. Hideo Suzuki is an assistant artist for a small manga studio, has a loving girlfriend named Tetsuko...
Sakamoto brings eccentricities into mundane school days Faith Orcino June 23, 2016 Articles, Manga, Reviews The high school campus is a typical setting for a slice-of-life manga with a teenage protagonists. Writer and artist Nami Sano shakes things up with the very unique student Sakamoto. Nothing seems impossible...