Seven Seas Entertainment added “How to Treat Magical Beasts: Mine and Master’s Medical Journal” to its collection of fantasy titles, bringing mangaka Kaziya’s unique story of conservation to English-reading fans.

Young Ziska is a girl struggling to fit in the shifting world. Technology and science pave the way of the future as more and more people leave sorcery behind. Very few still attempt to keep it a part of daily life but they sometimes have to resort to using synthetic alternatives. Ziska tries to continue the family practice of witchcraft but gets push back from people including Niko, the town veterinarian who she studies under. The girl refuses to concede especially when supernatural creatures struggle to survive. However, it takes more than just the power within her to solve this crisis. Ziska gets an ally in the form of her reluctant teacher who shows he has not completely abandoned the otherworldly animals. They may think that the combination of her abilities and his knowledge would save those suffering but testing it will result in either life or death.

It is very interesting that Seven Seas mentions on the manga’s webpage how “How to Treat Magical Beasts” is part of the same magazine (Mag Garden) that releases both Kore Yamazaki’s “The Ancient Magus’ Bride” and Nagabe’s “The Girl from the Other Side” because how each have a leading duo dealing with magic. Like its fellow books, the relationship is of a teacher and student though nothing romantic like Elias and Chise or parental like “Teacher” and Shiva. Even though they handle supernatural patients, they use a mixed treatment that involves some real world application. While this is a fictional series, it does remind some readers about how certain animals and other critters have been driven to extinction by modernization and global changes. Whether not it’s an intentional theme, it brings up thoughts on conserving what we have and finding ways to help for the next generation still have that magical wonder of nature.

Volume Four of “How to Treat Magical Beasts” will arrive in right before Christmas 2019. Readers in the meantime can check out both “The Ancient Magus’ Bride” (and anime) and “The Girl from the Other Side” (plus our review) while waiting for more of Ziska and Niko’s adventure. Visit the webpage of “How to Treat Magical Beast” on Seven Seas Entertainment’s site.